Welcome to the ER Blog!

Summer Term 2024

Summer is approaching! We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter break and we are excited to show you what we are getting up to this term.

Spring Term 2024

2024 Has arrived!

Happy New Year to everyone- We hope you have had a wonderful Christmas and new year.

We are excited to see what the year has in store.

Autumn Term 2023

And we're back!

Just like that it is September 2023. We are looking forward to the new academic year - keep checking for updates on everything we get up to over the Autumn term!

Summer Term 2023

Here comes Summer! We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter break, check out our website and socials for all that the ER Team gets up to this coming term!

Spring Term 2023

2023 has arrived!

We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas break and New Year - and are ready to see what 2023 has in store! 

Keep an eye on our blog this term for all the latest from the ER Team!

Autumn Term 2022

September is upon us already! 

We are looking forward to kicking off the new academic year with a bang - check back for updated on everything the ER Team gets up to over the coming Autumn Term!

Summer Term 2022

Summer is just around the corner...

We are looking forward to warmer, sunny days! Stay tuned for what the ER Team get up to over the warmer months!

Spring Term 2022

Hello 2022! We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas break and wishing you all a very happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year!

Stay tuned for all the latest news from the ER Team in 2022!

Autumn Term 2021

Welcome back! We hope everyone had a lovely Summer... and you are feeling ready to get stuck in to the new academic year! 

Keep an eye on ER's Autumn blog to see what we get up to this coming term!

Summer Term 2021

Check out our brand new blog!

Click here to find out what the ER Team are up to over the summer months...